Friday, May 31, 2013

International Space Station

A month ago I registered with NASA to receive text messages from Spot the Station. In these messages, I'm told when the International Space Station will be passing above me at either dusk or dawn. Since registering I'd received multiple texts. When I received the first text, I ran straight outside only to be disappointed when it was cloudy outside. I made more attention to the second text to realize the space station would be visible that evening. So I waited. My anticipation grew. The time came, and it was a cloudy evening. I didn't get to see the space station. Sunday morning I received another text message. This time I wasn't as excited. I went outside at the designated time, 6:39, and looked up. There it was! It looked like a bright star moving fast across the sky. It was wonderful! I jumped up and down excitedly in my driveway as I watched it pass overhead. 

To get updates from Spot the Station go to